Por primera vez voy a impartir talleres en MINIATURITALIA - DOLLSHOUSE FAIR El primero de un frutero de uvas. Y el segundo de unas bellas trufas.
¿Te animas?
Entra en link hay muchos talleres maravillosos!!
For the first time I'll do workshops in Miniaturitalia: The first is "grapes in a fruit bowl". Second workshop will be "beautiful truffles".
Feel like?
Enter link there are many wonderful workshops !!
¿Te animas?
Entra en link hay muchos talleres maravillosos!!
For the first time I'll do workshops in Miniaturitalia: The first is "grapes in a fruit bowl". Second workshop will be "beautiful truffles".
Feel like?
Enter link there are many wonderful workshops !!
Fruttiera con uva - Workshop n. 3 | ||||||||||||||
Alzatina con cioccolatini - Workshop n. 13 | ||||||||||||||
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